Spring and Fall Cleanup

Spring Cleanup

When snow starts to melt, your yard might not be at its best. That’s where we come in. Typically performed in late March or April; its purpose is to remove all debris in the lawn and landscape that built up from winter. Our standard spring cleanup options include:

  • Removing all leaves and debris from landscaped areas, bedding and garden areas, and lawn areas
  • Remove embedded leaves from lawn
  • Cutting back any perennials from previous year
  • Removing any annuals from previous year
  • Shovel edging of all beds, tree rings, and landscaped area
  • Trimming of hedges
  • Core aereation – increases air, water, and nutrient movement to the root zone. Also relieves soil compactation, stimulates growth, and intensifies decomposing of thatch.

Fall Cleanup

When leaves start falling, the abudance of them may be overwhelming. Leave it to the Beautiful Lawns team to pick them up for you! Fall cleanup is typically performed when leaves start falling in October. We mulch the leaves with each mowing visit during October so they do not get embedded into the grass. After most of the leaves have fallen, we perform the final fall cleanup. Options include:

  • Trimming all bushes and shrubs that may need to be trimmed back before winter
  • Removing all leaves from lawn, bedding, and landscaped areas
  • Cutting back all of perennials and removal of all annuals, clean out landscape beds
  • All leaves and other debris will be hauled away!